My handcrafted blog

Written from scratch in Go because I'm too lazy to read the Hugo docs.

Modular ETL applications with Go and the Pipes library (I)

The Pipes library allows you to create modular applications where isolated nodes can be dynamically instantiated and connected for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from/to diverse sources and destination. This library has been built after years of experience on developing monitoring agents (it actually powers Grafana Beyla), but it is not restricted only to monitoring.

Dispatching 3000 HTTPS requests/second on a $6 VM

Sometimes I can see small peaks of visits to this blog, especially when a post reaches sites like e.g. Reddit or HackerNews. But the extra amount of load never spends a significant amount of server resources. Thinking about that, a question came to my mind: how many requests/second would my blog be able to dispatch with decent response times?

Performance comparison of Go functional stream libraries

With the arrival of Generics to Go 1.18, a new programming model has arrived to Go: functional stream processing. This post evaluates some current libraries providing such functionality, and compares the achieved performance in single-thread streams.

The engine behind this blog reached version 1.0

In 2017, I started to code the engine that runs this blog as a learning exercise for the Go programming language, following the famous Writing Web Applications official tutorial. That means that the quality of some parts of the code of this blog was poor, making it difficult to understand (even for myself) and difficult to extend with new, useful features that I had in mind to agilize even more my writing/publishing workflows.

HTTPS support!

After more than 4 years, I implemented HTTPS support for my blog. All the old HTTP links will be redirected to their HTTPS equivalent.

An introduction to Go Kubernetes' informers

This article shows you the tool that the Kubernetes Go client library provides to keep an updated in-memory snapshot of your cluster resources.

Go and WebAssembly (I): interacting with your browser JS API

Golang provides the syscall/js experimental package to facilitate the creation of browser-based applications without requiring any javascript transpiler; just targeting your official Go compiler to WebAssembly and loading the artifact in the browser. This blog post is a simple tutorial to allow you setting up your Go WebAssembly project, as well as some basic functions to allow your Go code interacting with JavaScript objects and functions.

KAConf: Kick-Ass Configuration system for your java applications (Tutorial)

This blog post is a step-by-step guide that shows you the basic usage of KAConf, an Annotation-based configuration system inspired in the wonderful Spring Boot, but simpler, lighter, not so magic, and independent of any large framework, with no transitive dependencies.

Enabling Java Reflection on GraalVM Ahead-of-Time compiler

In my previous blog post I evaluated the feasibility of Java for lightweight system programming thanks to the GraalVM native image generation tool. Despite the initial results look promising, I felt disappointed when they pointed me out that GraalVM does not support reflection by default (which IMHO is a wonderful and powerful tool to enhance the expressiveness of our software and to reduce boilerplate). However, you can actually configure the ahead-of-time compiler to incorporate a user-provided reflection metadata.

Java JIT vs Java AOT vs Go for small, short-lived processes

There is still a common belief about Java being slow (especially during the startup) and memory-consuming, making it not being the first option for ephemeral service instances, like containers. This blog post pretends to put some light on those assertions, quantifying the impact of a last-generation JVM in a simple, single-threaded, application. We compare the impact of the JVM measuring the execution time and memory spent of a Java QuickSort implementation, comparing it with the execution of a native image generated with the modern GraalVM Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler and the same QuickSort implementation in Go.